Family Violence Intervention Team

Mission Statement

The mission of the Family Violence Intervention Team (FIT) is to respond to and prevent family violence, to make families safe, to provide resources that are culturally appropriate, and to encourage the arrest of perpetrators of family violence. This will be done through intervention, education, support, resource development, and collaboration with all agencies and organizations working to reduce family violence. 

Department Description and Functionality

In order to reduce the incidence of family violence, the Solano County Office of Family Violence Prevention, in collaboration with the Sheriff’s Department, Probation, Health and Social Services Child Welfare Division, Superior Court, District Attorney, our local non-profit women’s crisis organizations, and domestic violence council, developed the Solano County Family Violence Intervention Team (FIT). The FIT consists of a Sheriff's detective, Social Worker, and Victim Witness Advocate who work together to reduce the incidence of family violence in unincorporated Solano County.

The team conducts follow-up investigations, provides victims with additional resources, assists with emergency protective orders and/or restraining orders and makes an assessment of children and victims needs for resources and services. The FIT also provides the Safe From The Start workshops to law enforcement officers, judicial officers, parent groups, day care providers, faith-based organizations, and any organization working with children and families.