  • Saves Time (no more bagging and raking)
  • Saves Money (less fertilizer)
  • Encourages a Healthy Lawn (clippings contain valuable nitrogen)
  • Reduces Yard Waste (clippings stay on your lawn)
What is Grasscycling?
Grasscycling is the natural recycling of grass by leaving clippings on the lawn when mowing. Grass clippings decompose quickly and release valuable nutrients back into the soil. It is simple, easy, and it works.
Does it Cause Thatch Build Up? No!
Research has shown that grass roots are the primary cause of thatch build up, not grass clippings.
Do I Need a Special Mower? No!
Mulching mowers cut up grass into finer pieces so that it decomposes quickly but you can grasscycle with any mower if you follow proper mowing techniques.
Proper Mowing Techniques:
Cut grass when the surface is dry and keep mower blades sharp. Mow your lawn frequently enough so that no more than one-third of the length of the grass blade is cut in any one mowing. Take your mower in to a lawnmower shop to get the blades sharpened.
Mower Rebate Program
Get a $100 instant rebate on a new Electric Mulching Mower. Special event held once per year for all Solano County residents.
For More Information About Grasscycling
  • For a free grasscycling brochure or video call Solano County, Department of Resource Management at (707) 784-6765 during normal business hours.