Solano CARE Act Poster

CARE Act starts in Solano on December 1, 2024.

This is a new civil court process to help individuals with untreated mental illness, to reduce homelessness, hospital stays, and incarceration. Referrals are sent as petitions directly to Court. The CARE Act connects a person with a court-ordered Care Plan for up to 24 months. This includes Community-based behavioral health services, housing as available, and support services for 1 year, which can be extended 1 more year.

File a petition:

Solano Legal Access Center
600 Union Ave, Second Floor, Room 205, Fairfield
Appointment, Drop-ins, Email [email protected]
Monday – Thursday

File completed CARE-100 at Solano Court Family Law Division
600 Union Ave, 2nd Floor, Fairfield
Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 3 PM

Access forms:

Judicial Council Forms 

CARE Act Questions?

For any CARE Act questions, call Solano's CARE Act team at 707-784-2055 or email [email protected].

NEW! Overview materials:

Solano CARE Act Overview presentation
Solano CARE Act Brochure

Download Solano CARE Act Poster

Read about the California Health and Human Services CARE Act 

CARE Act or Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) or Laura's Law

What is the difference?

If you're loved one may not qualify for CARE Act- please review the AOT eligibility requirements here

 CARE Act     AOT/Laura's Law 
 Civil court process          Civil court process  
 Petitions can be filed by more individuals      Petitions can be filed by a narrower group of people
 Petitions are filed directly to the Court  Referrals are sent and petitions are filed by County
 Behavioral Health with the court if necessary
 Narrower eligibility- diagnoses      Wider eligibility- diagnoses
 Voluntary, no forced meds  Voluntary, no forced meds

For any questions, email [email protected]