| | | Resources for Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren
More than six million children in the United States - approximately 1 in 12 - are living in households headed by grandparents or other relatives. In about one-third of these homes, grandparents and other relatives are taking on the primary responsibility of raising their grandchildren without the children’s parents present in the home.
There are many resources available to help grandparents fulfill their role as primary caregivers. The following resources provide information on available local services, health and financial benefits, and legal issues: National Center on Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren. Find local programs, legal resources, and online groups for grandparents raising children the second time around. A Grandparents Guide for Family Nurturing & Safety. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission provides information about establishing save and healthy environments for grandchildren who are visiting or living in the home. AARP Foundation Grandparenting Program. Looking for information about being a grandparent? Have visitation problems? Raising grandchildren? The AARP Foundation Grandparenting Program is here to help. It has a variety of resources to help grandparents in various family roles, including resources that strengthen their health, finances, and family connections.
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